All members,
The Shanghai International Energy Exchange has decided to postpone the adjustments to the delivery unit of TSR 20 futures, originally intended to be implemented from June 1, 2022 (i.e., during the continuous trading session on May 31), to the first trading day in May, 2023. The revised TSR 20 Futures Contract of the Shanghai International Energy Exchange, Risk Management Rules of the Shanghai International Energy Exchange, and Delivery Rules of the Shanghai International Energy Exchange, issued on November 26, 2021, will come into effect from the first trading day in May, 2023.
All members should bring this Notice to the attention of relevant parties.
The English version of this Notice available on the official website of the Shanghai International Energy Exchange is for reference only. If there is any conflict between the English and Chinese versions of this Notice, the Chinese version will prevail.
Shanghai International Energy Exchange
May 17, 2022