To whom it may concern,
The Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) plans to launch its real-time level-2 market data services (4 snapshots per second at price depth of 5 best bid/asks) on November 28, 2022 (i.e., during continuous trading on the evening of November 25) to meet the diverse data needs of investors. Please take note of the following matters:
1. Licensed users that have completed system connections are requested to make the necessary preparations for the official launch.
2. Users planning to apply for access to the level-2 market data are requested to make preparations in accordance with the attached guidelines.
Technical contact: 021-68400918
Business contact: 021-68400929
1.INE Application Guidelines for Display Use
2.INE Application Guidelines for NDU in Designated Server Rooms
Shanghai International Energy Exchange
November 23, 2022